2017 Study: Union vs. Right-to-Work
A Comparison of Members’ Opinions of Union Performance, Management and Practices
As the union landscape continues to shift — with membership rates declining, increasing adoption of Right-to-Work laws, and other changes — it is unclear whether employees working in non-Right-to-Work states actually fare better than their Right-to-Work counterparts.
According to the 2017 survey results, the answer is “no.”
In fact, there were only nominal differences between the responses from employees in Right-to-Work and non-Right-to-Work states — and in several instances, a higher percentage of workers from Right-to-Work states seemed more satisfied with their union and working conditions.
And, most impressively, an overwhelming majority of union workers, in both right-to-work and non-right-to-work states, support the idea of regular recertification (over 70 percent in both cases), and “Workers Choice” policies (77 percent support).